Realm Of Knowledge

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Structures of Magical Trance

Pete Carroll, the founder of Chaos Magick, is credited with drawing attentions as magicians to the significance of magickal trance which is defined as “gnosis”, while clearly breaking it down into various categories at the same time. Carroll basically distinguishes between two types of gnosis in his book Liber Null, namely the “Inhibitory mode and the Excitatory mode”.
Inhibitory Mode Excitatory Mode
Death posture Sexual excitation
Magical trance concentration Emotional arousal, egg... Fear, anger, love, ect…
Sleeplessness Pain, Torture
Fasting Flagellation
Exhaustion Dancing, drumming, chanting
Gazing Right way of walking
Hypnotic or trance-inducing drugs Excitatory or disinhibtory drugs
Sensory deprivation Hyperventilation Sensory overload
These are the two basic principles of magick, namely the “Spiritual blazing of a fire” and the establishments of “Spiritual peace as deep as the ocean” are both reflected in the trance structure. The type of trance chosen depends just so much on the temperament of the magician as on the goal of one’s corresponding magical operation.

Concentration leading to magical trance

1). Object concentration: this includes tratak (Trāṭaka (Sanskrit n. त्राटक trāṭaka; tratak, trataka: to look, or to gaze), among other things, of course this form of concentration can be expanded in numerous ways.

2). Sound concentration: The magician concentrates on acoustically perceptible, articulated, or imagined sounds, usually mantras, in order to block verbal thoughts from intruding while at the same time developing the Key to words of power and the skill of spell casting.

3).Image concentration: The magician concentrates on images of symbols, such as a circle, or cross, square. More complicated image sequences can also be used. This is the key to metal magic and working with the magical double, as well as to create Psychogons and charging sigils through staring. Even demonology relies heavily on this technique.

With these three forms of concentration the magician can gain control of the parts of one’s mind that are responsible for both pictorial as well as verbal thoughts. Surely if we focus on a magical statement of intent, this becomes an extremely powerful magical technique, provided that we can maintain or better yet improve the state of trance reached in the meditation exercise.
Sexual excitement: A sexual excitement is one of the most powerful tools the magician has. During the state of sexual excitement, the sensor is blocked by up to 100% the path to the subconscious is wide open and the magician is free to implant in it anything one needs for his/her operation.
Sexual excitement can be obtained by any number of methods that the individual perfers, but the magician should on occasion also use other methods that are not nesecarly one’s favorite. (This should also be the rule of thumb for all magical practices). Cases in which this could be benifitual are:

A). operation that requires particelly strong energy;
b).when sex magic practice has become strongly routine;
c). in case of sexual oversaturation.

Sexual excitement is especially suited for creating independent beings (Psychogons) and when working with a partner, this partner could invoke and mentally embody certain principles or deities, followed by sexual union with the invoked principle-a practice common to sexual magick and tantric operations.

Sleeplessness, Fasting, and Exhaustion: with the help of these techniques everyday reality is “softened” and the magician becomes more receptive to subtle perception, since the sensor weakens with time. Described by Carroll as “old monastic favorites” there inhibitory techniques are still part of the standard repertoire of all shamans and natural magicians today. The trick is for the magician to be able to turn the confused state of consciousness that these techniques will eventually produce into a true and powerful magical trance in which one retains enough control to impregnate oneself with the magical will at the moment you lose consciousness.

However, over exaggerated self-deprivation is useless, it’s much wiser and more effective to find a moderate level of sleeplessness. Fasting, and or exhaustion that custom fits the magician’s mental (and trained) gnosis ability. But this matter of personal experience and is difficult for an outsider to judge, even though many magicians and shamans are able to develop a feel for the trance ability and depth of a person, and therefore help one accordingly, in order for one to achieve optimal results.
This is exactly what the participant in a group operation demand of a ritual leader, since him/her responsible for activating, storing, impregnating and directing the energies of each participant on an equal level to reach a common goal.

Gazing: We’ve discussed this subject thoroughly in connection with the magic gaze, so you’ll get no further explanations.

Hypnotic or trance inducing drugs: Regardless of the legal aspects associated with this subject, the use of drugs for magical purposes is generally NOT recommended. This applies in particular to the beginners, especially those who have already experimented with many types of drugs and still do so on a fairly regular basis. A trip is a far cry from a ritual!!! Although a ritual (but does not nescearily) lead to states of altered consciousness that strongly resembles those endued by the use of drugs, it doesn’t work the other way around. Drugs blunt the sharp will.

Sensory Deprivation: The technique of sensory deprivation was and still is used among monks and hermits alike, along with occasional practices of seclusion. Its goal is to reduce the number of external impulses that affect our rational thoughts as much as possible which will eventually cause it to paralyze due to the lack of stimuli. During a ritual we create sensory deprivation by using blindfolds, hoods, and the element of darkness. Experiences have shown that due to the “shock effect” it causes, it’s much more effective to shut out external stimuli for just a short period of time instead of banishing it entirely over a longer period. Long term sensory deprivation is usually more suited for mystical practices.

As already mentioned, it strongly depends on the personal preferences and goals of the magician as to which form of gnosis one should chose. It is obvious that an aggressive operation of magical warfare would be easier to perform with an excitatory trance than with inhibitory gnosis. On the other hand, such an operation could be amid at breaking down the opponent or his/her situation, which would surely benefit more from a sort of “corrosive inhibitory trance”. It’s important to master and not just arrive a state of trance, otherwise it can lead to just the opposite of what the magician actually intended. That is why presistence practice in this field is a high priority for all types of magic.

(1) The fact that this is not the same as blocking the conscious mind is often forgotten or overlooked!

Emotional Arousal: In principle, all emotional states can be used magically. However experience has shown that rage, fear, and horror work most effectively. Even on a physical level, all three of these emotions can lead to the release of unsuspected skills: Just think about the unbelievable shear physical power of someone who is raving mad, or about the perseverance and physical power of people in panic situations. The effectiveness of these three emotions is certainly just as strong as that of sexual excitement (but not as much fun) but they have the disadvantage that they are quite difficult to arouse without a great deal of effort. Although systematic training can help remove some of the obstacles along the way and every magician should undergo such training, it remains quite difficult to get a fit of rage on command and then use it magically.

Pain, Torture, Flagellation: This method of trance is the complete opposite of sleeplessness, fasting, and exhaustion. While the later calms and inhibits, the former ignites body and spirit. Extreme pain always dimaxes with either unconsciousness or lust, because the human body orgasm can only handle lasting pain through ecstatic acceptance. The penitent practice of the middle ages with their jumping, processions, and self-flagellations, the Fakis of Hindus, and Christians in Sir Lanka and the Philippians. These are all examples of access to ecstasy by paralyzing the intellect and the sensor and shaping the spirit to the same degree that a magician requires for his/her magical operations. Of course these methods have the great disadvantage that they can lead quickly to in effective and highly damaging excess, because even if the human body is supposable quite insensitive to pain naturally or through conditioning, the stimulus threshold gets higher and higher until eventually only self-mutilation will be able to achieve the desired effect.
I strongly warn against excessive use of this practice.

Dancing, drumming, and Chanting: It’s a different story with dancing, drumming and chanting. Practical alone, or in a group these techniques can quickly lead to quite usable excitatory trance. The magicians musical and gymnastic (or lack of) are of no great importance what so ever although group work requires more coordination than when working alone in the temple. Chanting includes mantra’s and sitealiste songs the telling of myths and barbaric names of evocation, or magic spells and words of power.

Magical Walking: Magical walking is a technique that’s related to Zen walking, but goes well beyond this. This involves walking for long stretches while using the 180* gaze, where by the hands, fingers, and arms should be held unusual positions. Experience has shown that pressing the thumb nail sideways into the top of the sensitive pinky is quite effective. This creates a certain pain that is completely harmless as long as the skin isn’t damaged. Eventually, thinking will cease and the mind will become totally absorbed in its envierment. From this description, it’s clear that this technique is not really suited for conducting a ritual or specific magic operations (with the exception of charging a mantric sigil), but it can be used quite effectively for training such states of consciousnesses.
Excitory or Inhibitory drugs, mild hallucinogens, and hyperventilation: Remember what we already said about the use of drugs in magic. Basically there’s not much more to say. Excitory or Inhibitory drugs and mild hallucinogens (remember it is the dosage that counts) include alcohol in small amounts, cocaine, cannabis, as well as LSD, mescaline and psilocybin along with some modern designer drugs and of course stimulants (amphelamira). Tea (usually hot) made from galangal root is milder yet still effective. This is a legal substance by the way. But even black tea, coffee, and tobacco can have an effect, although the price of one’s health must be paid. This is why you shouldn’t use drugs…

Sensory Overload: One of the classical methods of tantric training includes keeping the candidate awake over an extended period of time while his/hers eyes are blindfolded (sleeplessness), then subject him/her to flagellation (painful torture), load music, water dripping in a sink or on top of the 3rd eye, there is many ways to overload a person’s sensory these are just a few examples.
All of these techniques are for allowing us to go from one state of consciousness to a deeper one, but are ultimate goal is to be able to go from one state to another without thought and that takes time and plenty of training using one of these techniques or one of many that are not listed here. As with all thing is magic it is personal preference to which you use, but let your ultimate goal be that you can enter a state of gnosis without thought, and that is done through repetition till it becomes no longer a thought process and a natural one without the use of a trigger object (word, object, pain and the list goes on).

The Basic Structure Of The Phyche

( chart 1)
 Conscious Mind
 Sub-conscious Mind
 In the chart above is a simplified form of the common model of the human psyche as provided by modern psychoanalysis. First we see the conscious mind A.K.A the day time or waking-consciousness. In the lower portion of the chart we can see the sub-conscious mind which is also called the unconscious. This includes everything that usually escapes our conscious mind. Although it's constantly active, we usually only notice it when we dream. The so-called censor is located between the two. It represents a sort of "2way filter", on the other hand it ensures the selective perception of the stimuli of the outside world. On the other hand, it protects the conscious mind from uncontrolled flooding of information from the sub-conscious mind which includes repression & complexes. The censor is assigned a vital function, namely the maintenance of what we generally call " spiritual health". Admittedly the censor has a considerable disadvantage as well namely the it 's extremely conservative. Only reluctantly does it allow the conscious mind to make direct contact w/ the sub-conscious mind thereby escaping it's control. You could compare it to a slightly distrustful "palace guard" a loyal, brave servant to his master, but sometimes too worried about his own safety to allow & admit new situations w/out careful examination. Actually one of the most important "tricks" in magick is temporarily turning off the censor in order to tap directly to the source of power, ( the sub-conscious mind ) & assigning it specific tasks. This happens through magical or gnosis trance. This state often resembles the hazy period just before falling to sleep in which the conscious mind is still active, but quite subdued. In this state it can exchange information directly w/ the sub- conscious mind e.g. in the form of images. During the magical trance the censor is in away "put to sleep". Ideally, it would "sleep" very lightly & only wake in an emergency. By the way this corresponds to the sword in magic. Thus we now have the complete structure of magic that corresponds to our chart bellow: chart 2 Imagination------------------------------------- Will Trance Magick In comparison, chart 3 reflects the same concept in the form of a mathematical equation. It would be best for you to study these charts carefully & even memories these since we will be running into similar formulas throughout the course of study. THIS ISN"T SUCH A GAME! On the contry, formulas are mnemonic abbreviations to help us memories rules & laws from which practical derivatives can be gained . Our goal here is to point out the basic structures of magick & to clarify them. In this respect, this is an entirely new concept since most of the magical literature available today is written like (recipe books ). Instead of explaining the basic laws that govern magic, must authors-even the older ones, usually provide individual recipes. Ritual for protection from an enemy, magical glyphs for happiness & prosperity, amulets to prevent plagues, mantras ( magic-words ) for attracting a prince or conjuring spirits, & so on. Even ( & especially!) the traditional literature of must recent times follows this principle. Unfortunately whets often miss understood here is the fact that such recipes are not effective "automatically" by themselves. This is a mistake that many people make especially beginners continue to make again & again. They constantly search for the " real, true, 100% effective ritual " or the ultimate magical formula. Even today there are more than enough quakes around who'd be eager to hold out a hand & sell you a recipe w/out explaining the conditions necessary to make it work. Not that all such recipes are completely useless. But if we’re not able to understand the basic formulas of magic first, before we use them, then there not worth the paper that they’re written on. And even if they do work sometimes, it can be easily seen that " will; imagination; & gnosis/trance " played an important role as well. However, once you’re familiar w/ basic law & formulas of magic you can create your own "recipes" on the basis of these, in the same way that every magician basically writes his/hers own personal grimoire or " book of magick " A large part of your work hear will deal w/ doing just this. But as w/ any other discipline, the basic need to be mastered first, otherwise "1+1" will never be learned! These basics are the "mathematical" structural formulas that you'll continually confront in various versions. chart 3 M=W+I+G=M M=magical act W=will I=imagination G=gnosis (magical trance) As seen in the above statements, we can see that the focus of a magical education must be on training of the Will; Imagination; & trance in order to enable efficient work w/ this paradigm or model of explanation. Herr’s a basic maxim you should learn from the start. "Diligent practice on a regular basis is the Key to acquiring magical skills"! You should know that it's entirely up to you how fast or how slow magic "works" for you. Threes no denying that some people have a certain "Talent" for magic in various degrees, the importance of this talent is usually drastically overestimated. Never make the common beginners mistake of envying the "naturals" who seem to be able to accomplish many things in magic straight off w/out painstaking work & previous training. In fact you should actually feel sorry for them. Since they've been "given" so much & many things fall right into there laps, they usually lack the self-discipline & severity of those w/ less talent who have to earn every little thing w/ sweat & tears. In magical terms this self discipline & severity represents the important aspects of grounding, since they’re best protection against two of the must common & most dangerous illnesses of magicians: Overestimating ones self, & the persecution complex. A good magician is humble in the same way a good warrior is humble: One knows his/hers own limits way to well to be deceived by wishful thinking. A warrior never makes the mistake of underestimating a problem, the enemy, or a challenge. He/she thinks & acts economically w/a minimum of effort & maximum efficiency. The warrior is of sound character because he/she learned to master Will power through training & knows how to distinguish between judgment based on emotion & those based on facts. Ideally the magician is a technician w/out being a technocrat, someone who's mastered one's discipline to a tee & knows it's legitimacy as well as it's weaknesses, & he/she respects & admires one's trade & all those who have learned it & are learning. All of these qualities are rarely just handed to a person, they have to be acquired through hard work. Natural talents often tend to oversee these requirements & usually learn the hard way by running into walls or through painful processes of mistakes & failure.

The 2nd Basic Structure of Magick

M OC g+I =P


Magical act, magic

Degree of gnosis

Degree of the magical link to the goal/target person

Awareness of the act

Resistance against the act

Coincidental probability of magical success
Popper tenacity

The successful magical act “M” (or magick in general) is directly proportional to the degree of gnosis or magical trance; multiplied by the degree of the magical link to the goal or  target person (when influencing others); “M” is reversely proportional to the degree of awareness of the magical act and psychological resistance against this. The whole thing is then multiplied by the degree of coincidental probability of magical success. Let’s break down the formulae to see what it means to magical practice.

The fact that magical success depends on the magical trance (gnosis) applied was already discussed it should need no further explanation. However magical success is directly proportional to the degree of the magical link to the goal/target person. This is quite obvious in magic or influencing others.

For example, if a magician wants to heal/harm the target person, one needs appropriate access to this person. This is usually determined by/based on the first law of practical magick. The doctrine states that for an example, an object that has been with another person for a long time assumes qualities of this person, even becoming “one” with him/her in a since; this is why a magician can treat this object as though it was the person. This is why the old grimoires often tell the magician to collect personal things from one’s target person, such as nail clippings, locks of hair, or other bodily secretions and fluids.

The 2nd law of practical magic is the law of transmission (also called “contagion”) and forms the theoretical basis for actively working with an object in practical magick. If the magician has in ones possession a piece of hair (even a photo) from the target person one can proceed in any desired way and this will bring about the effect that anything done to the object will also happen to the target person as well.

The degree of such link can vary greatly; it almost depends decisively on how well the magician can find the rhythm of the energy field of one’s target person. This is often a question of one’s intuition and power of imagination and the tools needed to perform one’s magical act. Some magicians can magically adjust a person by just knowing His/hers name, while others may need more comprehensive information and stronger stimuli, for example by having seen, spoken with or having touched the person or by possessing a photo or other object from the target. In this we can see that the variable “I” can be determined quite subjectively, which naturally applies to charge a talisman or amulet, a magical link needs to be established. 

We can understand our “Magical Link” as the degree of empathy (Union) between ourselves and the target person/object. In the theoretical sense, the relationship between the magician and  the target person can easily be established as such, but even the most experienced of magicians often have difficulty finding a “connection” for example to quench their desire for material/mystical success. In fact “Binding “ basically means joining or even merging-what we are referring to here is our own centralization which requires the line dividing our will from our magical goal to be kept extra fine or lifted completely. If our desires has become organic  and if it’s centered yet at the same vast enough to enter grate our goal completely into our overall personality we can call this a strong magical link.

Megalomania: A psychopathological condition made by delusional fantasies of wealth, power or omnipotence.

This is however a much more subtle aspect of the variable “I” namely the magician actual suitability for the desired action and there are indeed specialist in every field of magick, although every serious magician does ones best to develop one’s skill as flexible as possible, but the magicians suitability to achieve there desired goal plays a role here as well. A person who has an unhealthy relationship with money will rarely be successful in money magic, the same holds true for sex magic, and magicians who do not have a grip on their everyday sexuality. The person who tends to perform magic for love or attraction instead of for healing will need to apply more effort (and tools) for magical operations in this weak area and less in his/hers area of strength. After all modern magicians feel that the act of obtaining an object for practical magic use is merely just one weapon for winning the battle but an act that often more significant than actual result itself.

The best magical link is surely a precise mental image of the desired goal/target person. Of course “precise” in this case means emotional precession rather than physical.

“A” and “R” reduce the prospect of magical success. The awareness of the magical act is one of the greatest stumbling blocks for the beginner taking the first attempts at walking on the magical floor. With “Awareness” we mainly mean the censor’s consciousness mental linking of the operation with the magical goal. If you are not able to detach yourself emotionally from the situation we could call this intentional misidentification the censor will do everything in its power to prevent success in order to avoid the possible dilemma of having a bad consciousness (I didn’t want to do that, I didn’t mean it that way, I actually didn’t deserve that) which often results in much more of a mental burden than magical failure would. Such self-consciousness could ruin everything. That’s why it’s absolutely necessary to thoroughly think through the situation before hand, otherwise the consequences’ could be catastrophic. (1)

The “other” variable include not feeling well physically or mentally, lack of energy, lack of motivation or boredom which often occurs when performing magic for others! Absent mindedness (too much focus on subjective magical tasks that can be viewed as more important) and more, since these vary from situation there’s no general rule that applies to all.

The variable “P” or the coincidental probability of magical success is often underestimated by beginners as well. This is probably due to the fact that esoteric ideology of today treats the word “coincidence” like a pariah without even realizing what any person with a healthy degree of common sense already feels and knows, namely that our actions as a magician are subject to certain limits. These limits are surely much farther away than we often think/want to believe, but it would be foolish to view magic as a mire tool for fulfilling childish fantasies of playing God.

Although it may be theoretically possible for a magician to make the physical planets  Mars/Mercury explode by using ones magical act’s such considerations are usually nothing more than intellectual games that can be quite dangerous by leading to Megalomania, which is in fact quite wide spread among magicians. Let’s take a quantities example; let’s assume that the probability of a meteor crashing into the magicians temple in the next ½ hour is 1:1,000,000,000,000,000, let’s assume further  that with the help of intense gnosis, a high emotional affinity to the goal “meteor crashes into temple” an extreme low degree of awareness of the magical act, and a low psychological resistance, the magician is able to raise this probability in his factor to 1:1,000,000,000,000 3 less zeros or if he’s a true master of his art maybe even to 1:1,000,000,000 (6 less zeros). According to probability this is a great feat, and even from a scientific point of view it would be tremendous, but nonetheless magical success is still highly improbable. Nonetheless, the basic statement of this formula is found on magical experience-subjective as well as collective (2). Always remember that even the power of the magician is limited to his/her sphere of influence.

We’ve developed the rule that you should even use magic for a goal that’s highly probable to occur in the first place without magic, especially at the beginning of your magical career. If we persistently work our way up to more difficult tasks instead of trying to jump there all at once, we’ll be able to deal with failure (which is unenviable sometimes) much better on a psychological level since we’ve learned to take one step at a time.

Let’s summarize this in short, ideally the values below the line should be zero because then the values above it would be “infinite” although this is rarely the case in practice. The greater the magical trance “G” and the magical link “I” the higher the success rate of the magical operation will be. It’s reduced by the variable “A” and”R”. When the psychological and rational resistance (“R”) to the magical act/its goal is higher, the magical link/value of “I” is automatically lower because the magical will is not organic enough and alienation between the magician and the goal occurs instead of absolute unity. You’ve probably noticed that our variables cannot always be clearly distinguished from one another anyway. In this sense, a higher trance value means-according to definition-a limited amount of awareness, while resistance could be due to an insufficient magical link and so on. Other equations would be possible as well, for example the variable “R” below the line could be replaced by another variable such as “W” (for magical will). This is more than just an intellectual game since it creates many different psychological approaches to practical magick, so feel free to experiment with other equations as well.

(1)  In Crowley’s words, the magical act must correspond with the persons own “True Will” otherwise the magician would be violating the primal law of one’s own universe and have to pay the consequences for irresponsible actions which is usually quite painful. After all “Thou hast no right but to do thy Will.”

(2) Never forget that magic is an art that uses scientific methodology, but it’s not a science in the sense of the academic definition we’re familiar with today.


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